
Let us help you with your calculations

Blockfill Calculator

Use our blockfill calculator to assist you with calculating the required amount of blockfill for your project.

Note: Our calculator is programmed to accept area dimensions using the following 5 block profiles






Brick Calculator

Use our brick calculator to assist you with calculating the required amount of bricks for your project.

Note: Our calculator is programmed to accept area dimensions using the following 4 brick profiles

230mm Standard

230mm wide | 76mm high | 110mm deep

350mm Skinny

350mm wide | 65mm high | 110mm deep

230mm Lowline

230mm wide | 50mm high | 110mm deep

350mm Linear

350mm wide | 76mm high | 110mm deep

Concrete Calculators

Slab Calculator

Use our slab calculator to assist you with calculating the required volume of concrete.

Pier Calculator

Use our pier calculator to assist you with calculating the required volume of concrete.

Mesh Calculator

Use our mesh calculator to assist you with calculating the required no. of mesh sheets

Need more calculators?

Get in touch and we’ll add them here

Get in touch.

If you have any queries relating to our calculators, please message us today and we will be in touch.